Affordable Housing Fee Deferral and Waiver
The Affordable Housing Fee Deferral and Waiver Program is designed to encourage development of affordable housing projects, this program allows for the deferral and/or waiver of residential development fees for eligible low and very low income housing projects constructed in the unincorporated area of Sacramento County.
What County Impact Fees may be deferred?
Excluding the administrative component, the following fees are eligible for a Fee deferral:
- Antelope Public Facilities Financing Plan Area Fees
- North Vineyard Station Specific Plan Area Fees
- Vineyard Public Facilities Plan Area Fees
- Florin Vineyard Community Plan Area Fees
- Library Facilities Fees
- Sacramento County Transportation Development Fees
What Projects Qualify for the Program?
The housing development for which fee deferrals and/or waivers are requested under this program must be a “Qualified Residential Development Project”.
Including: (1) at least 10% of units with Affordable Rents or Affordable Housing Costs for Very Low Income Households; or (2) at least 49% of units with Affordable Rents or Affordable Housing Costs for Low Income Households.
“Low Income Households” refers to the definition contained in California Health & Safety Code Section 50079.5, including but not limited to an income limit of 80% of area median income, adjusted for family size and revised annually.
“Very Low Income Households” refers to the definition contained in California Health & Safety Code Section 50105, including but not limited to an income limit of 50% of area median income, adjusted for family size and revised annually.
Fee Deferrals:
Requires an application, a Certification Letter from the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, preliminary title report, payment of 10% of the fees, and execution of an agreement, promissory note and deed of trust which may be subordinated to construction and acquisition financing.
Fees are deferred to the close of escrow for each lot or 24 months from execution of deferral agreement, whichever is less.
Interest penalties apply if deferred fees are not paid within the maximum fee deferral period.
Fee Waivers:
Requires an application, a Certification Letter from the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, preliminary title report, and execution of agreement, promissory note and deed of trust which may be subordinated to construction and acquisition financing.
Annual cap for waivers: The greater of 200 dwelling units or 5% of residential permits issued in the unincorporated county the previous year.
Fees become payable and interest penalties apply if the project does not provide the affordable housing units promised during a 24-month period.
Application Fees:
Requires an application fee of $1000.00.